Migraine Triggers

One way to avoid migraine attacks is by knowing what the cause of the attack. It is important to know the triggers that can cause migraine attacks. Avoiding the triggers means increasing chances of migraine. Some triggers of migraines include:

Changes in estrogen
There are lots of estrogen in women can trigger migraine headache. Especially when the number of estogen is not stable, for example at the time before and during menstruation, during pregnancy, contraceptive use, or if you are undergoing hormone therapy.
Sensory stimulation of the body
The light is too bright, the sound is too loud, or a certain smell to shine like the smell of perfume and cigarette smoke can be a trigger.
Changes in weather
Changes in extreme weather or the uncertain regulatory environment and changes in air pressure can be a migraine trigger.
Unusual sleep schedule
If your sleep patterns are not as usual. For example, a short period of sleep and even sleeping too long can make you experience a migraine. If you're new to travel, jet lag can also be the cause.
Exercise or physical activity that is heavier than usual can increase the chances of a migraine.
Food and Drink
The content found on foods and beverages can be a trigger. Alcoholic beverages such as beer and wine or the content of caffeine contained in coffee should be avoided. Mengkonsusmsi chocolate, old cheese, foods that contain MSG or preservatives lot is also a migraine trigger.

Trigger the one shown above are some common triggers, but no guarantee is because your migraine triggers of migraine triggers on each person could have been different. To be able to find out what triggers your migraines, make a note of when the migraine attack, what you eat or drink, what activities will be done before you experience a migraine. Note is made every time a migraine attack. By analyzing the records, is expected to know what triggers your migraines.


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